Research, Armed Forces charities research

Cobseo Members’ Surveys: Analytical reports

DSC’s bi-annual surveys investigating the ongoing impact of a changing socio-economic environment on Cobseo Members.

What is the purpose of the reports? 

The Covid-19 pandemic has had an undeniable impact on the charity sector. Data on the extent of this impact – from organisations ‘on the ground’ – is crucial to understanding the extent to which Covid-19 and subsequent socio-economic changes have affected Cobseo Members

The Directory of Social Change (DSC) undertook survey-based research with members of Cobseo (The Confederation of Service Charities) to enable Members to give voice to the reality of their situation.

Cobseo members were invited to respond to surveys fom May 2020 up to November 2022.

This research is no longer funded.

What do they cover? 

The survey is continually updated to reflect the changing environment, but respondents typically provide information on the following key areas: 

  • Beneficiary needs and demand for services 
  • Impacts on service delivery
  • Changes in sources of income 
  • Changes in types of expenditure 
  • Overall financial changes 
  • Risks facing Members 
  • Support needed by Members

The written reports provide a comprehensive overview and analysis of the qualitative and quantitative data, including attention to trends over time. For a quantitative ‘snapshot’ of each wave – and to explore the data yourself – visit our interactive Cobseo Covid-19 Impact Database.

Download the November 2022 report here

Download the November 2021 report here

Download the May 2021 report here

Download the October 2020 report here

Download the May 2020 report here