Policy, campaigns & research

Commission clarifies bullying and harassment roles and responsibilities

The latest statement on bullying and harassment from the Charity Commission.

The Charity Commission has recently published clarifications around the expectations of trustees in relation to bullying and harassment.

Working with ACAS, ACEVO, the Association of Chairs, and others, the Commission has outlined the role of trustees in preventing and dealing with incidents of bullying, as well as the points at which it may get involved as the regulator.

Click here to read the full update from the Commission, which includes links to formal guidance on safeguarding and criteria for reporting serious incidents.

As with most things, prevention is better than cure, and good policies and procedures are the bedrock of any successful organisation. Apart from ensuring that staff and volunteers are treated consistently and fairly, they provide a clear process for dealing with any challenges and will be a key part of resolving any serious problems that may arise.

The latest announcement from the Commission states that:

“Trustees have a central role to play to ensure their charity has clear policies, and that allegations are handled appropriately and in line with employment and other laws”

If you have a bullying and harassment policy in place, this update from the Commission makes now as good a time as any to review it. If you don’t have one, or need some guidance on what to include, check out our Charity Policies and Procedures Templates here.

This document includes a whole range of policies and procedures, including Bullying and Harassment, that can be adapted and tweaked to fit your organisation’s needs, and give you (and your trustees) the reassurance that you’ve got the right systems and processes in place.