Policy, Policy, campaigns & research, Leadership

Engage 2024: Influencing the new Government and Parliament - Online conference on Thursday 17 October

Welcome to the fourth year of Engage – DSC’s annual online conference for all those wishing to influence the people in power.

This year, we have a special event as we navigate the changes to come with a brand new government after the Labour party won a decisive majority in the 4 July General Election. Sir Keir Starmer became Prime Minister and many of his early Cabinet appointments have experience in the charity sector, showing a promising start and lots of opportunity.

Influencing policy and politicians can be a highly effective way to bring about change for your beneficiaries, but navigating the constantly changing policy environment can be a challenge. Join sector experts and charity leaders for a day of discussion and insights about the current landscape, key changes since the last government, and a look at what’s to come.

A mix of case studies, panel discussions and keynote sessions help you stay up-to-date on changes, trends and best-practice in the ever-changing world of influencing policy and politicians.

Who should attend?

  • Anyone in the charity sector seeking to influence policy & politicians
  • Those looking to influence central government, parliament, select committees, local government institutions or any other key players in the policy sphere
  • Policy, advocacy & campaigning experts in the voluntary sector
  • Charity leaders, trustees & board members directly involved in or overseeing advocacy & influencing efforts by their organisations

What’s included in the price? 

  • Attendance to the online conference, keynote session, session talks  
  • Access to all presentations and handouts 


Event chair:  Andrew Purkis, Trustee, DSC

09.30 – 09.35:  Welcome – Join us for introductions and housekeeping rules

09.35 – 10.00: Opening keynote: Labour’s first 100 days. The first Labour government in 14 years has been in power for just over 100 days – what’s it done so far, what’s changed, and how does this affect the charity sector?
Speaker: Jay Kennedy, Director of Policy and Research, DSC.

10.00 – 11.00: Understanding the new parliament and how to influence your local MP. Learn more about the make-up of the new parliament, including key committees and all-party groups, and top tips for influencing MPs. Speaker: Chris Walker, UK Senior Advocacy Manager, Malaria No More

11.00 – 11.15: Break

11:15 – 12:00: Delving into the King’s Speech. What legislation has the new government announced, how is it progressing, and what does it mean for charities seeking to influence? Where are the potential points of agreement or disagreement on important Bills or policy consultations?Speaker: Vicki Butler, Head of Policy and Public Affairs, Charities Aid Foundation 

12.00 – 12:45: Panel discussion – Understanding Labour’s ‘Mission-led government’. The Labour party has set out five ‘missions’ or top priorities where it wants tomake decisive progress. Our panel of experts will discuss how the missions areshaping up, the impact of the machinery of government changes, how this affects policy development, and how charities might fit in. Panellists: Roberta Fusco, Head of Influencing, Acevo, Tamara Sandoul, Head of Policy and Public Affairs, Carers UK and Shaun Spiers, Executive Director, Green Alliance

12.45 – 13.30: Lunch






13.30 – 14.30: Case studies – Learning from successful charity campaigns. Hear from representatives of creative and effective charity campaigns who will talk about what’s working and what isn’t – with practical advice and case studies. Speakers: Helen Barnard, Director of Policy, Research, and Impact, the Trussell Trust; Jasmine Basran, Head of Policy and Campaigns, Crisis

14.30 – 15.15 : What’s next? The Budget and Spending Review. Learn about the implications of the new government’s fiscal plans, including a Budget and Spending Review setting funding for government departments over the next the next few years, and what charities are calling for. Speaker: Richard Sagar, Head of Policy, Charity Finance Group

15.15 – 15.30:  Closing remarks – Andrew Purkis, Chair and Debra Allcock Tyler, DSC CEO

Click here for speaker biographies


Ticket prices after Monday 2 September (early bird booking has closed)

Band A: £119

Band B: £129

Band C: £149


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X/ Twitter = @DSC_Charity

LinkedIn = Directory of Social Change



Free spaces available

This event is available free, as part of our funding programme from City Bridge Foundation, for small-income London-based charities. Find out more here.




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Conference schedule

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Thursday 17 October17 Oct 2024

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