Fundraising, Management & leadership, Government and the Voluntary Sector

DSC policy update - week commencing 11 January 2021

DSC Researcher, Rebecca Eddington, rounds up the policy news from around the sector.

The events taking place across the pond have certainly dominated the news this past week, so here’s a few snippets of news you might have missed:

The Department for Digital, Media, Culture and Sport have announced the release of £800m of dormant assets

The scheme will expand to include the insurance and pensions, investment, wealth management and securities sectors. Although this is positive news, there is vagueness around when the legislation will be passed and whether it is an expansion of the current model or a promise to establish a Community Wealth Fund.

Survey on impact of Covid-19 on charity sector

Pro Bono Economics are asking charities to respond to their short survey to understand how the charity sector has been impacted by Covid-19 over the winter period.

Free school meal parcels labelled ‘inadequate’

Images of the new free school meal parcels sent to families have been circulating on Twitter and they are totally inadequate! Food parcels have been provided to replace the £30 food vouchers, but the food provided adds up to nowhere near this amount and the private companies providing the parcels are coming under fire. Does anyone else sense another Marcus Rashford fronted campaign coming on?

We hope everyone is coping well during Lockdown 3.0. This campaign, backed by Mind, encourages us to follow take mental health breaks every day: walk away from your desk; organise your time; reach out to others; keep moving your body; 5 minutes of breathing. So, get those zoom coffees scheduled in, enjoy your inhales and exhales and maybe have a little boogie too!


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