Responsible Delivery

Policy box (2)Voluntary and community organisations should be transparent about their aims and activities. They should provide evidence of their effectiveness and seek to maximise their impact. Most importantly, they should be driven by the best way of serving the needs of their users or beneficiaries.


a) An organisation’s objectives, activities and progress should be clear and transparent

This refers to both internal and external clarity relating to all aspects of the organisation’s activity such as understanding full costs of activity, reporting activities effectively etc. From an internal perspective, clarity in these areas enables development in line with organisational objectives.


b) The best way to serve beneficiaries or users should drive how organisations develop

By this we mean that all voluntary organisations should effectively be trying to do themselves out of business, having resolved the need that they are addressing. The sustainability of the organisation should not be a driving force for change or development in itself; the organisation should be prepared to grow or shrink in response to the needs of its users.


c) Organisations should understand the environment in which they operate, and be able to respond effectively to change

There are a whole range of external pressures on voluntary and community organisations. Being aware of these and how they can affect the operating environment is essential in enabling them to plan effectively for their future in the best interests of their beneficiaries.