Management & leadership, Management, Personal development, Presentations

Chairing and Leading Meetings - Online course

We’ve all been to meetings that don’t seem to be about anything, lack direction, don’t take clear decisions and seem to exist just for the sake of having them. We now have the opportunity to experience that both face to face and in virtual meetings – or not.

Digital book (pdf) included: Speed Read: Meetings

Well prepared and managed meetings leads to effective decision making and makes best use of resources. This course looks at some the ways to do this, where similar challenges occur but sometimes a different approach is needed.

This one day course looks at ways to prepare for, lead, manage and review meetings. Participants will explore the skills and approaches needed to manage meetings that are purposeful, satisfying and – importantly – get stuff done.

You’ll learn the chair’s responsibilities, how to keep a meeting on track and how to drive meetings towards good decision-making.

This course covers overcoming any problems that online meetings present; skills and tactics to ensure everybody attending feels they can contribute; preparation needed before a in person or virtual meeting; and how to bring in the ‘social element’ even when everyone is just on their computer.

Who should sign up? 

Anyone who is new or experienced in chairing meetings, both virtual and in person. And who needs practice and techniques to ensure their meetings are, productive and enjoyable in any of the many settings we all now face.

What will I get out of it? 

  • Identify clear Roles and Responsibilities:
    I wanna be the Chair. Ok, what am I doing and being?
  • Setting the right culture and climate for meetings:
    Focus, Familiarity, Fun – which, when?
  • Actively review meetings you have attended and chaired:
    My meetings: Sweet dreams or nightmares
  • Review paperwork and processes associated with meetings:
    Agendas, Calls for Papers, Reading and Reporting, Minutes
  • Consider behaviours which support effective meetings:
    The Meetings Menagerie
  • Explore the role of assertive leadership in meetings

What will it cover? 

  • Roles and responsibilities of effective meeting chairs and leaders
  • Supporting positive culture and inclusion
  • Overcoming problems virtual meetings present and working with technology
  • Tips for agenda, minutes and other paperwork
  • Interventions chairs can make to manage discussion, behaviour and processes
  • Sharing experiences and good practice for face to face, virtual and hybrid meetings

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Trainer: Cathy Shimmin